
∴ BODY ∴

All bodywork-related sessions take place at my naturopathic office Goldlilie in Berlin-Friedrichshain.
You can find all infos here:
Services I offer:
♦ Emotion-focussed bodywork
♦ Myofascial Release for singers & speakers



"Logically, I do understand their behaviour completely, but I have the feeling that I can't let go, it's still in my body."
In an emotion-focussed bodywork session, I support you in releasing the emotions from the body. Often certain issues from the past feel mentally done and dusted, but they often sit deep within the body, causing a discrepancy between body and mind. With the help of touch, movement, voice, breath and conversation, we work on releasing fixed trauma from the body.

Emotion-focussed bodywork can help you to come back home into your body. As a coping mechanism, the mind may go into a state of dissociation when faced with any kind of traumatic experience. We are mentally gone, no longer in our body, and if so, often only in our head. That may be completely healthy for your psyche to survive! But at some point, life is no longer about surviving, but about thriving - in joy and with a full-body yes. When the mind has already analyzed, understood and perhaps even forgiven, but the body is still stuck in trauma mode, even the seemingly simplest situation can turn into a rollercoaster.

A bodywork session lasts for about 3 hours. We will give our attention to your intention with time, mindfulness and slowness .

Here you may find a list of a broad range of concerns that people have come to me with:

Panic attacks
Emotional abuse
Addictive behaviour
Accidents with bereavement
Accidents with scars

Sexual abuse
Father wound
Mother wound
Estrangement from the inner & outer voice

Fear of speaking
Fear of touch

If you would like to know more, if you have any questions, if you want to make an appointment, please send an mail to hallo @

No question is stupid, no issue is unimportant! Your needs matter! 


Singing and breathing is vibration. Sound can bring the body into a state of vibration, but tensed muscles and fixed tissue usually don't vibrate easily!
During a Bodywork Session, we will have a look at you body as a muscular and fascial unified whole: Does your thorax widen? Does your pelvic floor move in unison with your breath? Is your tongue and jaw relaxed? How is your posture? Does your larynx move optimally? How tensed is your belly?
We will focus on your issues holistically to care for your instrument, the voice.

  • Thorax and diaphragm release
  • Intraorale Massage (mouth massage)
  • Pelvic floor synchronization with the diaphragm and breath
  • Release of all voice and breath relevant muscles

The bodywork sessions take place in my naturopathic office in Berlin-Friedrichshain and last for 3 hours.

If you have question or would like to book an appointment, please send a mail to hallo @ goldlilie. de

Get in touch!
